Book a free 20-minute phone consultation: (818) 419-4582


As we begin to move pass Covid, we are all still dealing with connection, loneliness, and anxiety.

Finding our way back to our old norm is just not a possibility. It has come to be a realization that we must create a new way of living. Life has changed and we must adjust. The way we deal will everyday life such as

This is such uncharted territory for all of us and nobody knew anything like this was coming, so even if you were not initially stressed, having to stay inside and not interact with others can be very isolating. and perhaps frightening. There are parts of our daily lives we didn’t even realize how much we have grown to depend on. Even something as small as the basic interaction with fellow patrons at the coffee house or at the bank, these interactions, are simply that, interactions. We have a need to connect. This is all new to us all, everything about it is unknown. In truth, most of us like to be in control, and this situation, clearly makes us all feel quite the contrary. Making time to contact friends and family is essential.

Online therapy is also here to help you during quarantine.

Contact me today for your free consultation.